Suffolk is a wonderfully creative county and we thought it would be great to showcase that on #SuffolkDay and brighten up our neighbourhoods with ‘Garden Galleries’.
So bring your artwork out and create a little exhibition in the front garden, on your front wall or gate or even in your window if the weather isn’t kind.. Any kind of creation by absolutely anyone! From paintings to playdough, cardboard castles to Lego landscapes, beautiful bunting to tricky topiary, your choice, your creation, your garden but on display to share. Invite your neighbours to do a ‘Garden Gallery tour’ (a bit like a socially distanced ‘Open Gardens tour’)
And do, please share your photos on any of our social media platforms as we would love to see Suffolk full of colour and creativity! No prizes but hopefully lots of creative connections!
Any Arts Organisations out there who want to join in? Can you inspire the communities you work with to create ‘Garden Galleries’? Do GET IN TOUCH, we’d love to hear from you.