• QUIZ SCAM ALERT   Which? are warning everyone against online quizzes, which appear to be harmless fun but can put you at risk of identity theft and as you can be giving out a great source of personal information to fraudsters for your passwords and security questions.

    Protect against Scams

  • Life Insurance Scam Action Fraud are  advising everyone to be aware of fake email that are circulating claiming to sell Life insurance. The link in the email will take you to a fraudulent website which has been designed to obtain your personal and financial information. if you have received a suspicious email report it by forwarding the email to:
    Suffolk Trading Standards Sca Warning
  • Online Casino Free Spins Scam  Action Fraud are advised that fake emails are circulation which are offering ‘Free Spin’ for online casino companies.  A t link will be provided in the email and this will take you to a fraudulent website which is designed to obtain your personal and financial information.  if you received a suspicious email you should forward it to:

  • Email and Socila Media Account Hacking Action Fraud are advising that email and social media account hacking is the most commonly reported cyber crime in the country. Protect your accounts by using strong passwords and a 2 step verification (2SV). Find out more about how to set up the 2 step verification process on the National Cyber Security website. 

    Email Hacking Action Fraud Advice

  • NatWest Account Scam Action Fraud have advised that anyone with a NatWest account should be aware of the email scam that is circulating. The email will advise the recipient to verify or update their account in order to gain access to their online banking. A fraudulent link will be provided by the scammers in order to obtain personal and financial information.  If you receive a suspicious email, forward it to

    Verify or update NatWest Account email scam

  • Electric Toothbrush Scam Action Fraud have advised that fake emails are being circulated regarding a free Oral B 10 series 9 electric toothbrush, which may appear to be from a well known retailer, eg Boots etc. The email will advise you to follow the links provided but these are created to obtain your personal and financial information.  If you receive a suspicious email, forward it to

  • Report Scams by using British Sign language  Action Fraud have teamed up with SignVideo to create a ‘Fraud Reporting Service’ which is accessible for British Sign Language users.  You can download the FREE Sign Video app on the Sign Video website, click on the Sign Directory and search for ‘Action Fraud’, to connect to a BSL interpreter.

    Report Scams by Sign Language

  • WhatsApp Friends and Family Scam Where a scammer pretends to be a family member or friend using a different phone after losing or breaking theirs, and asks you to urgently send them money.  Tips from NatWest to protect yourself 

    WhatsApp Account Hack Scam
    Where a scammer who has gained access to one of your contact’s accounts sends you messages pretending to be them, and asks for a code which they say has ‘accidentally been sent to you’, in order to gain access to your account. How to set up 2 factor authentication for extra security.friends and family whatsaooo scam

  • Stay Safe Online!  GET SAFE ONLINE is a leading internet safety website providing factual, easy to understand information on online safety, to help people stay online safely and with confidence.

    Online Safety

  • Credit Report Password Protection! Adding a password to your credit report can help prevent people from trying to open any accounts in your name or trying to apply for loans in your name. The credit providers will ask for your password and stop them doing it. This can apply to scammers who have gotten hold of your details or those who financially abuse family members or partners, getting them into debt then often leaving. Click on image below for additional info from Clear Score for extra security.

  • Scam Action Service Online scams are increasing and becoming more sophisticated.  As part of the Citizens Advice Scam Action Service, there is now advice available online to help you spot scans and stay protected. Alternatively you can call them Monday – Friday,  9am – 5pm on 0300 330 3003 Find out more

  • Energy Bills Text Scam Action Fraud have advised they have received reports relating to fake text messages regarding the Energy Bills Support Scheme. You DO NOT need to apply for the scheme, and Never provide any bank or finaicial information.  Forward any texts you you receive for free to 7726 and for more information, please visit:…/getting-the-energy-bills-support…

  • The Little Big Book of Scams  This fabulous little book is full of valuable tips to help protect yourself and your loved ones from scams and has helpful advice on  what to do if you are caught out by a scammer.

    The Little Big Book of Scams

  • Ofgem Rebate Scam  Action Fraud are warning everyone to be aware of a new Ofgem rebate scam that is circulating. The emails will advise that the recipient is entitled  to a rebate as part of the newly announced government scheme.  Links in the emails lead to a fake website that has been designed to appear genuine but aims to acquire your personal and financial details. All emails should be reported to:

    Ofgem rebate scam

  • Rental Fraudsters Scam! Suffolk Trading Standards are advising anyone looking to rent a property to be aware of rental fraudsters. A Suffolk resident has reported contact with a fake landlord trying to steal their money, whilst searching for a property to rent.

    Fraudsters will try to entice you with a good price and by providing a link to images and reviews from a fake page.  The landlords will try to trick you into paying money upfront to rent a property which in reality they do not own. They will also request images of your passport details, which can be used for identity fraud. With only a few personal details they can use them to take out a loans, credit cards etc in your name.

    If you are worried you may have provided any financial or personal information to someone fraudulent, contact the relevant organisation. Report all scams to Suffolk Trading Standard via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

    Suffolk Trading Standards Home Rental Scam house Image

  • Password Security The  National Cyber Security Centre  are advising how scammers can crack passwords and how to help improve your security. For more information and helpful advice , visit the National Cyber Security Centre website.

    Suffolk Trading Standards Password Security Advice Sheet

  • RSPCA Pet Scam! The RSPCA have issued a warning to pet owners regarding a number of scams where fraudsters are posing as RSPCA employees. Fraudsters are trawling through social media looking for posters of missing pets and then are targeting the owners. Reports have been received from Pet owners advising they have been contacted by phone from someone claiming to be from the RSPCA and being told their missing pet has been found. They go on to ask for bank details, explaining it is to pay for either life-saving surgery, vets fees or for the cost to return their pet. Some owners have been told their pet is at a local vet and they require a small collection fee to be paid over the phone, which has resulted in much more money being taken from their accounts. They have gone as far as mirroring the RSPCA phone number so the call can look genuine on your phone caller display.  The RSPCA will never ask for money over the phone and if anyone is contacted about a missing pet advises

    • Ask them for a reference number and the officers name and ID
    • Call the National call centre on 0300 121 999 (between 7am- 10pm) If the call is not genuine call the police on 101
    • If your pet has gone missing alert your animal microchip company and local rescue centres & vets practices.
    • Beware when sharing your pet & contact details online and offering a reward.

    The RSPCA does not investigate reports of stolen pets and their officials, who will always be wearing branded clothing would never approach anyone in public or at home following claims of a stolen pet. They would only approach if there was an immediate danger to an animal or they witness animal cruelty.

  • Another scam is a text like this appearing to be from HMRC informing people of a supposed ‘goodwill payment of £258. DO NOT click the link if you receive it and please warn those in your life who may be susceptible. ALWAYS be suspicious when receiving such texts or emails and if need be contact the organisation the message purports to be from directly, using their official contact details.

    image of a mobile phone screen displaying a scam text

  • Home insulation scam  Beware of telephone calls and home visits from a company claiming to be working on behalf of Trading Standards to investigate unsafe insulation in your home that needs to be removed and replaced.  They are advising they can carry out the work for a specified fee which has been reported to be between £5000-£9000 which they say you can claim back through the Martin Lewis Green Scheme. No such scheme exists!  Always check the credentials and Identification of any company that contacts you by phone or in person. Never provide any personal or financial information or agree to any work done without getting a second opinion. If you have any concerns about a company that has contacted you, call  Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

    Insulation Scam Warning by Suffolk Trading Standards

  • Royal Mail Text Scam. Beware if your receive text message claiming to be from the Royal Mail advising you have a parcel awaiting delivery and asking you to confirm settlement delivery by clicking on the link provide. These texts are a scam so DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! Criminals have created a fake website that the texts link to and they have been designed with similar branding and layout to the official Royal Mail website.  If you receive what you think is a fake message, forward the text message, including the phone number or company name, to 7726. It won’t cost you anything and it means your phone provider can investigate the sender.  Report all scams to Suffolk Trading Standards  on 0808 223 1133

    Suffolk Trading Standard Royal mail text Scam

  • Have I been pwned?  There is a quick and simple check from that you can do to find out  if your personal data, email address and phone No. has been compromised by data breaches.

    Have I Been powned check image

  • Anglian Water Scam Suffolk Trading Stardards have advised residents to be aware of telephone calls claiming to be from Anglian Water. The resident will be told they have overpaid on their water account and in order to receive a refund, they will need to provide their bank details to transfer the money back to them. Anglian water can be contacted on 03457 145145 and the customer contact staff will be able to advise you if the telephone call, email or doorstep caller are genuine. Contact your bank straight away if you are worried you may have given you financial details to a scammer and report the incident to Suffolk Trading Standards via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

    Suffolk Trading Standards Anglian Water telephone scam

  • Fake Instagram Email Scam Action Fraud are advising everyone to be aware of the fake emails which are being circulated with the intent of targeting Instagram accounts.  The emails will claim that someone is attempting to ‘recover your password from Russia’.  Do not click on the link provided in the email and report it by forwarding it to:

    Action Fraud Fake Instagram Scam

  • Fake Tesco Emails Scam Action Fraud are advising everyone to be aware of Fake emails claiming to be from Tesco with a chance to win free groceries.  DO NOT click on the link that will be provided  Report suspicious emails by forwarding them to

    Scam Email Fake Tesco Free Grocers Email

  • Pension Scam  £1.8 million has already been lost this year due to pension fraud and Action Fraud are asking everyone with a pension to be vigilant. Pension scams will often include a free pension reviews and “too good to be true” investments and even early release money from your pension. Find out more by visiting the Action Fraud website.

    Pension Scam image and Action Fraud Logo

  • Covid Pass Fraud  – Action Fraud are advising everyone to be aware of Covid Pass fraud. An NHS Covid Pass shows your coronavirus vaccination status and test results which you may be asked to provide if you are planning to travel.  The genuine Covid Passes are free and the NHS would never ask for your personal financial information for payment. NHS Covid Passes are available in digital and paper formats for travel or domestic venue/event purposes. To find out how you get can a digital or paper Covid Pass go to the NHS website.

    Covid Pass Fraud NHS Image

  • Beware of Rogue Traders Suffolk Trading Standards are advising ’Never’ to deal with traders who approach you out of the blue and offer you a product or a service. A report of traders driving a white transit style van are going door to door in the Tattingstone area offering a drive cleaning service. There has also been a report of the same type of vehicle in Saxmundham with traders offering plants, trees and garden furniture. if they approach you, they will use phrases like “last one” or “Ex exhibition stock”.  Please inform Suffolk Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133 if you have any information or if you have been approached yourself.

    Rogue Traders Scam image

  • Automated Telephone Message Scam Suffolk Trading Standards are advising everyone to be aware of the latest automated telephone message scam. Criminals claiming to be from the National Crime Agency and Inland Revenue have created the message which states that your National Insurance Number has been used in criminal activity and failure to contact them will result in the suspension of the number.

    They will provide a number to call to ‘resolve’ the issue or ask you to press 1 to speak directly to an adviser. THIS IS A SCAM! They are attempting to obtain your personal and financial information. If you receive a call contact 0808 223 1133 or Email:

    National Crime Agency National insurance number scam image

  • TV Licence Email Scam A warning from Suffolk Trading Standards for everyone to beware if you receive an email which states that your TV Licence is about to expire. The email will advise you to click on the link that they will provide. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! This is a scam designed to steal your personal information and bank details. Tips on how to spot the fake ‘TV Licence’ email: 

    • Real emails will only come from this email address:
    • Check the grammar and spelling.
    • TV Licensing will address you by your name and scammers will use a general term like ‘customer’.
    • The real website for TV Licensing is Scammers will create their fake website to look as genuine-looking as possible by using similar branding & fonts and will replicate the link with something missing or with a small addition designed to make you think it is real.

    If you receive this email or one similar contact Suffolk Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133 or  Email: report it
    Suffolk Trading Standards TV License Scam Image

  • Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft Suffolk Trading Standard are advising everyone to be more aware of the personal information that they throw away or give out to others to prevent becoming a victim ofIdentity theft. Criminals will gather information about you over time until they know enough about you to use it to steal your identity and apply for credit cards, loans, driving licence or passport in your name.  Please #TakeFive to think before discarding documents such as old bank statements and be careful of the personal information that you share on social media.

    Follow the 3 steps to protect yourself:

    1 Destroy unwanted documents including bills, bank statements or post that’s in your name, preferably by using a shedder.
    2 Request copies of your personal credit report from a credit reference agency on a regular basis to check for any entries you don’t recognise.
    3 Provide as little personal information about yourself on social media as possible and only accept invitations from people you know.

    Suffolk Trading Standards Identity Theft Image

  • Protect against hackers Which? are advising you to check your router in order to protect your home against hackers. Weak passwords or lack of network updates can make your home vulnerable. There is some very useful information available on the Which? website to help you.

    Which Guide to Hackers Image

  • Parcel Text Scam Suffolk Trading Standards have advised that criminals are sending out texts claiming to be from DHL or Hermes stating that they have attempted to deliver a parcel to you. The texts also including a link which will take you to fake websites which have been designed to look similar to the genuine websites as they have copied the branding, layout and font choices.

    DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! IT IS A SCAM asking you for personal & financial information. If you think you have been a victim of a scammer contact your bank immediately or if you receive what you think is a fake text message, forward it to 7726. You can also report all scams to Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

    Courier Scam Image Suffolk Trading Standards
  • Fake DVLA email Scam Action Fraud are advising they have received hundred of reports regarding fake emails claiming to be from the DVLA.  The emails state that the recipients car is no longer taxed and provides a link where payment can be made. Do Not click on the link as it is a scam .

    The DVLA will never ask for bank details over email. The only place to access official information on the DVLA and its services is GOV.UK  If you receive a suspicious email, you can report it by forwarding the email to or you can call Action Fraud on 0808 223 1133.

    DVLA Scam Action Fraud Image

  • Can you spot the difference? A Genuine request or a scam? Criminals posing as your bank can trick you into updating your personal details through links provided in the text messages. They can be embedded into genuine message threads making it increasingly difficult to spot.  Stop and think #TakeFive and log into your account directly to update your personal information.  If you are worried you may have fallen for a scam, contact your bank straight away and report it to Action Fraud by forwarding any scam texts to 7726 or by calling 0808 223 1133.

    Suffolk Trading Standards Action Fraud Bank text scams

  • Beware Of Phishing Emails There have been reports of phishing emails being sent out claiming to be from Currys PC World, offering the chance to win a Nespresso or MacBook Pro.  These emails are FAKE and are designed to obtain your personal details.   If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, forward it to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) at  Contact your bank immediately if you are worried you have may have compromised the safety of your bank details and/or have lost money due to fraudulent misuse of your cards.

    Phishing Email Scam Curry's PC World Macbook Nespresso

  • Computer virus fraud. Beware of telephone calls claiming to be from a legitimate company advising you of a virus issue with your computer or internet connection.  Fraudsters will advise they can fix the problem for you by giving them remote access to your computer and asking for your financial details as payment for their service.  If you do receive a call like this, hang up & report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at

    Suffolk Trading Standards Computer Fraud Warning Informaito

  • Beware Whatsapp message scam alert! Which? have advised there is a new whatsapp message scam that is now circulating.

    How it works!  First you will receive a text followed by a WhatsApp message that appears t from friend who asks you for the code. DO NOT SEND! 

    Your friend’s WhatsApp has been hacked and you will become their target.            If you share the code, the scammers will hack yours too.

    Sign up for the Which? free weekly Scam Alerts

    Which Whatsapp Scam image