Later Life Community Connect
We’re really excited to be sharing this news with you! Thanks to the support of Suffolk Community Foundation, Later Life Community will be launching a new support service for older people in Suffolk on Monday 8th February 2021. Later Life Community Connect is a single point of access telephone support line with a “real” person at the end of the phone, between 10am – 2pm, seven days a week.
They will be offering:
- A “real” person answering the phone between 10am – 2pm, seven days a week to speak to any older person or anyone worried about issues around later life
- A referral system using both the Warm Handover (SIP) and other local organisations to support any needs or worries that the caller may have
- Regular and agreed follow-up calls from Later Life Community to the individual to check how they are getting on, have they heard from the other organisations, do they have any other needs?
- Regular welfare calls for older people with trained volunteers
Often the issue or concern that is the initial prompt for a call, is not necessarily the only (or main) reason for the call and this service will be about working collaboratively with many of the amazing organisations in the county that provide vital support for older people, to ensure that the caller gets the support that is needed.
Later Life Community hopes to become the advocate for older people in Suffolk.
The Later Life Community Connect phone number is 01284 334516.
We’ll post updates about the service as we receive them.