Print it out and #passiton ! Help create a Cascade Of Kindness and gratitude!

Rural Coffee Caravan has created two printouts to help people show and share a bit of kindness & gratitude to the folk who are helping to keep our world turning, whilst it feels like it might have stopped.

1. Cascade of Kindness print-out

If you are leaving a care package or dropping some supplies or medication on someone’s doorstep, or sending a card or letter through the post, or would just like to offer a little ‘kind thought hello’ to your neighbours, we invite you to print out this message and include it with your act of kindness, encouraging the receiver to pass it on. Don’t forget to share your kindnesses (received or given) to the Rural Coffee Caravan Cascade of Kindness Facebook group.

If everyone passes on an act of kindness, what a wonderful chain of positivity we could thread through these trying times!

image of Rural Coffee Caravan Cascade of Kindness printout to accompany and act of kindness to encourage people to pass it on

Download, print and share the PDF here: Rural Coffee Caravan Cascade of Kindness #passiton printout


2. ‘Thank You!’ print-out:

Tape to your bins for the rubbish collectors, leave it in your empty milk bottle for the milkman/woman, hold up to or hand to a shop worker or delivery driver, or leave out for the volunteer picking up your shopping or medication if you’re self isolating.

Let’s show our appreciation to each of the key workers who are keeping our world turning right now!

Download, print and share the PDF here: Rural Coffee Caravan Cascade of Kindness THANK YOU printout A4,A5,A6

image of Rural Coffee Caravan Cascade of Kindness printout offering thanks to key workers and volunteers for all they are doing